From Your Corner: Manson’s name


Photo courtesy of Kim Ustanik

This small village of roughly 3,000 in north-central Washington is located along the north shore of beautiful Lake Chelan, with acres and acres of apple and cherry orchards and vineyards surrounding it. Manson and Chelan, located at the southern tip of the lake, are popular vacation locales, especially during the summer, as many come there to enjoy swimming, boating and other water-related activities, and, of course, the sunny weather. The Chelan Valley’s largest concentration of boutique wineries surrounds Manson. Manson was named in 1912 by the Lake Chelan Land Co. in honor of Seattleite Manson F. Backus, president of the firm. For more info about Manson, Chelan and its namesake lake, go here, here and here.

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