Autobiography with a Side of App

First there was the book - okay, first there were tablets and scrolls and things, and THEN there was the book.

Then came the ebook. AKA the e-book, eBook, Ebook, etc. We'll get that all straightened out one of these days.

And now? Now there is the app-book. Courtesy of none other than Sir Stephen Fry, self-described gadget-head, auteur, and world-renowned actor. With the release of his new book, The Fry Chronicles, Penguin Books has simultaneously released an ebook version (as one might expect in this day and age), and also an interactive app.

The app is called myFry and is available for the iPhone and iPad. I could say more, but they have a video that is probably more enlightening.

If you want more info, FutureBook has a couple good write-ups here and here.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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