Country is cool

Washington’s Rural Heritage program (see news release), creatively run by the folks at the Washington State Library, is a free online showcase for collections of photos and other cool materials that help tell the story of our rural past. Evan Robb, project manager, sends us some examples that illustrate the enormous value of digitizing older photos. The first photo, taken in 1945, is from the Stevens County Heritage collection. The photo description reads: Fred Guenther and his son Vernon doing chores in the barnyard of their ranch near Hunters, WA.

The second photo is from the Ellensburg Heritage collection. The description reads: Schaller Bennett has a dramatic trip to the ground after being thrown by the saddle bronc horse he was riding at the Ellensburg Rodeo. The rescue rider stays alert in case he needs to assist the fallen rider. Bennett was an active rodeo performer at various Northwest rodeos for many years during the 1920s and 1930s. Visit the Washington Rural Heritage program online at

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