A couple weeks ago, a patron of our library at Clallam Bay Corrections Center told me, “I’m not even a reader, but this is a place where I always feel safe.” Sentiments like these, along with brilliant inquires, ideas, and authenticity, inspire me to create innovative programs and challenge me to provide the best services possible in an institutional library setting.
Poet Thy Nguyen visits the Washington Corrections Center for Women
Our Ken McDouall, of the Institutional Library Services branch in Washington Corrections Center for Women in Gig Harbor, reports:

Creating poetry for publication
At the Clallam Bay event, Institutional Library Services received over twenty submissions to our anthology of poetry, Percipience, which is published by The Office of the Secretary of State. It is an honor to facilitate projects and programs which further encourage and illuminate our patrons’ voices. On behalf of the patrons of the Clallam Bay Corrections Center State Library Branch, I will be submitting the communal poem that was created to Percipience as well. Multiple custody levels from seven different living units added to this poem to represent the many voices that make up our patron base. The poem reads as follows: