
National Library Week inspires inmate art

The 2018 National Library Week theme was “Where did the Library lead you?”

Libraries across America were encouraged to print a graphic, have their patrons add their thoughts and post a selfie on social media. Institutional Library Services (ILS), the branch of the State Library that operates in prisons and state hospitals, wanted to take part in this campaign, but there are strict rules about taking pictures of those facilities' users. Sue Box from the Airway Heights Corrections Center wanted ILS patrons to have the opportunity to participate. She printed out the sheets, offered the option and collected the results. One of the responses was so beautiful we wanted to share it far and wide. It is hard to capture all the words in one photograph, so we made a compilation. It certainly seems this library patron found a pathway to literature, growth, and escape.
Funded in part by the Institute for Museum and Library Services through the Library Services and Technology Act.

Secretary of State
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