What’s a day like in a prison or hospital library? Find out!

Just about all of us have been inside a library, whether it’s your local library, or a school or college library. But few of us have any idea what it’s like inside a prison library or the library at Western State Hospital. So now, you might have questions popping inside your head: How many books are checked out? How many inmates get help with their release plans? How many patients use the library as part of their treatment plan? You can find out tomorrow. January 11 is “Library Snapshot Day” for the Washington State Library branches in correctional facilities and state-run psychiatric hospitals. You can find out what happens in a single day in these libraries. You can see statistics, photos and stories that will show the value of the institution libraries to decision-makers and to increase public awareness. People can check out “Library Snapshot Day” by going to the Washington State Library’s Institutional Library System’s Facebook page or the Facebook page for ILS’ “Library Snapshot Day.” You can also read about it on the State Library's blog.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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