All Address Confidentiality Program participants receive the following:

  • A Handbook about the services and responsibilities of the participant
  • A substitute mailing address to use with Washington state and local government agencies instead of their residential, home or school address
  • An ACP Authorization Card

Participant Responsibilities:

  • Accept mail forwarded from the ACP
  • Inform the ACP in writing, with their signature of any changes in address/information
  • Notify senders of the substitute address and Participant Mailbox (PMB) number
  • Renew program membership every four (4) years
  • Carry and present their ACP Authorization Card when interacting with state and local agencies

**Agencies are authorized to make a copy of a participant’s ACP Authorization Card**

Additional Information

Using the substitute address

The ACP provides participants with a legal substitute address and mail-forwarding services. Participants use the substitute address on public records. Participants may also use the substitute address for personal use. Participant mail is sent to the substitute address and received by the ACP. The ACP team then forwards participant mail to their actual mailing address on file.

Addressing Mail

The following mail format is recommended for timely and accurate forwarding of mail:

Participant Name

PO Box 257 PMB #####

Olympia, WA 98507-0257

**If an agency has fillable address regions with an irregular format, list the PMB # in the same field as the full name - full name, PMB #####, and PO Box 257.**

Voter Registration

ACP participants can register to vote as a Protected Records Voter (PRV). Registration requires their actual physical address in addition to the substitute address provided by ACP. After becoming a PRV, the participant's actual physical address, name, county, and voting precinct number will be kept out of public record.

If a participant would like to make changes to their voter registration record, call the ACP at (360) 753-2972. We will send the correct registration form to the participant to keep their address out of public record. DO NOT use the online voter registration system, VoteWA.

Participants should always register to vote using the Protected Voters Registration Form at their local county elections office or from the ACP which will have the ACP logo.
ACP participant should not register or update their voter registration records at any public state assistance agency, such as:
  • Driver’s License Facility (DOL)
  • Voter Registration Drives (VRD)
  • Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS)
  • Health Benefits Exchange (HBE), etc.

      **If asked, say no.**

**ACP cannot remove public voter listings that already exist, such as those on Sound Politics.**

Updating ACP Information

When a participant moves, they must notify the Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) at least two (2) days before they move. Address changes MUST be:

  • Submitted in writing; AND
  • Include their signature (to verify their identity)

To make things easier, Washington ACP offers a Change of Information/Address Form that can be filled out and submitted, or used as a template.

Changes to a participant file cannot be submitted by email.

Purchasing a Home

Buying a home or other real estate requires a person to sign many documents that list their name and the address or location of the property. These documents are available as public records. ACP laws do not currently provide protection for these types of property records.

Purchasing property records involves private businesses as well as state and local agencies. Private businesses like title companies, banks, real estate professionals, and mortgage companies, are not subject to Washington ACP laws. Private businesses may be willing to work with ACP participants even though they are not required to accept the ACP address.

ACP participants can use a specific type of Revocable Living Trust to purchase real property while using their ACP substitute address. ACP participants may want to check with an attorney before purchasing a home or other real estate to discuss options and any disadvantages. To learn more about buying a home through a Revocable Living Trust and to find self-help resources, visit

Survivor Resources

National Domestic Violence Hotline

National Sexual Violence Resource Center

National Human Trafficking Hotline

Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center


Change of Information Form

Cancellation Request Form

Utility Alias/Safe Label Name Request Form


What is the length of enrollment?

The length of enrollment is four (4) years. Participants may renew their enrollment at the end of the four-year term. A participant can voluntarily withdraw from the program at any time.

Does ACP forward all types of mail?

No. The ACP ONLY forwards First-Class mail, including registered and certified mail. First-Class mail includes all personal mail, bills, cards, letters, etc. The ACP will also forward bank checks. The ACP cannot forward packages, magazines, or marketing mail.

Can agencies verify ACP participant status?

Yes. Agencies are encouraged to ask for, and make a copy of, a participant’s ACP Authorization Card. They can also call the ACP at (360) 753-2972 to confirm their status. The ACP will not release any other information about a participant other than their status in the program.

Can agencies make a copy of the ACP Authorization Card?

Yes. Agencies are encouraged to make a copy of a participant’s ACP Authorization Card.

Must state and local government agencies accept the substitute address reflected on an ACP Authorization Card?

Yes, with very few exceptions. State and local government agencies must accept the ACP substitute address when presented a valid ACP authorization card. They cannot require a participant to disclose their actual address.

Can ACP participants receive registered mail or subpoenas?

Yes. The ACP accepts personal and legal mail. The ACP can receive such mail on behalf of a participant and forward it to them. This is treated as a participant receiving the mail.