Education and Training FAQ
- How much do you charge for training?
Training and consultation provided by the Washington State Archives is provided free of charge, there is no cost. The only time we charge for the training when food and beverage service is being provided for a day-long special event. There may be a nominal charge to accommodate any catering and food costs. We do occasionally facilitate training with other professional associations and organizations, and for those types of events the association or group may charge a fee for that particular conference or seminar.
- Do you come out to individual agencies and provide training?
We do try and organize trainings in all the regions and are constantly updating sessions in different venues across the state. If the requested training is close to one of the branch archives, we can generally make “house calls”. If distance and travel time is an issue, it depends on how many people and how far. Accommodating any training requests is dependent on available staffing resources.
There are online resources and pre-recorded webinars available.
Please contact mailto:[email protected] for onsite training requests.
- Do you offer training on public disclosure and open public meetings?
No. The authority for the Public Records Act (PRA) RCW 42.56 on the rules and requirements for public disclosure and records requests and the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA) RCW 42.30 and RCW 42.32 is through the Office of the Attorney General. More information is available on the Office of the Attorney General's Open Government Training page.