Draft Revisions to Community and Technical Colleges Schedule
Managing Higher Education Records
Records Retention...
- State Government General v.6.3 (Oct 2024)
- Central Washington University v.1.10 (Oct 2024)
- Community & Technical Colleges v.2.1 (Dec 2022)
- Eastern Washington University v.1.4 (Oct 2023)
- Law Enforcement v.8.0 (Feb 2022)
- The Evergreen State College v.1.0 (Dec 2015)
- University of Washington v.2.31 (Feb 2025)
- U.W. Medicine v.2.2 (Feb 2025)
- Washington State University v.1.9 (Feb 2025)
- Western Washington University v.3.3 (Jun 2021)
- More Help with Records Retention...
- Updating Records Retention Schedules
How to...
- Go Paperless ("Scan & Toss")
- Use the State Records Center Warehouse
- Destroy Non-Archival Records
- Transfer Archival Records
Need Help With...
- Where Do I Start?
- Improving Records Management in Your Agency
- Disasters...
- Getting Records Scanned by Imaging Services
- Creating Policies and Procedures
- Inventorying Records
- Organizing Records