Open Government Training

Effective July 1, 2014, the Open Government Training Act (ESB 5964) requires many public officials, all appointed public disclosure officers (RCW 42.56.080) and state agency appointed records officers (RCW 40.14.040) to receive public records training.

This act requires training on Washington's public records and open government requirements which are in state law:

  • Preservation and Destruction of Public Records (Chapter 40.14 RCW), which is under the authority of the Office of the Secretary of State.

The Office of the Attorney General has the authority over the other two statutes covered in the Open Government Training Act:

For Public Records Act and Open Public Meetings Act Training, please visit the Washington State Office of the Attorney General Open Government Training page.

Training is critical in correctly implementing and complying with the laws. As a risk management and mitigation tool, training and education can help avoid or reduce litigation and its costs.

Managing records and information supports compliance with not only public records laws and requirements, it also promotes compliance with audits. Records and information are among an agency's most important business assets, and support an agency's business needs and other legal obligations.

Additional information on the Open Government Training Act

Washington State Archives provides free training for records management and retention as well as other topics related to records and information governance. There are also joint sessions for Open Government Training available free of charge and co-presented with the Office of the Attorney General.

Questions about records retention and management? [email protected]

Questions about public records requests and disclosure ? Open public meetings? Visit the WA Attorney General's Open Government Ombuds.