[caption id="attachment_5260" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Lyla Brekke awards Anna Nash with Employee of the Year 2010"]
[caption id="attachment_5260" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Lyla Brekke awards Anna Nash with Employee of the Year 2010"]
The youngest and most energetic member of ILS was awarded with Employee of the year for 2010. Anna has grown up in the library with a family that loves libraries and books. Anna continues to look towards her future with her entrance to library school at the University of Washington this fall. In the last year Anna spear-headed the ILS Library Snapshot Day (the first in Washington), inspiring her coworkers to join her in her advocacy of libraries. She has brought a breath of fresh air to her co-workers, giving them a chance to see new perspectives on a job they all love.
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