FAQ - Administration Dissolution/Termination

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A Reinstatement or Requalification can be submitted through the Corporations and Charities Filing System “CCFS”, except for Foreign Nonprofit Corporations. Detailed instructions for processing these filings online can be found below

Our office continues to process documents in the order they were received, and there will be delays. If your documents were recently submitted, please disregard any automated late notices while we update all records on the website. Please do not resubmit. If you have any questions concerning this matter or need to request a form, please let us know by using one of the methods available on the Contact Us page.

When emailing our office, the subject line is vital as this will aid our office in resolving your issue as quickly as possible. All requests are processed in the order they were received.

  1. If the Domestic Business Entity did not submit its Annual Report in 2022 a Reinstatement is due.
    1. A Reinstatement can be submitted using the online filing system. Additional instructions for filing a Reinstatement online can be found below under Reinstatement Instructions.
    2. If you need a paper form emailed or sent to you by mail, please email our office at [email protected] with the below information and the subject line: Reinstatement form request – UBI #
      1. Business entity name and UBI number
      2. Indicate if the Reinstatement should be delivered to you by email or mail
      3. If mail is requested provide the mailing address
        *Please note that form requests sent by mail and submissions processed by mail will be delayed due to higher-than-normal volumes.

  1. If the Foreign Business Entity did not submit its Annual Report in 2022 a Requalification is due. Currently a Foreign Nonprofit Corporation must submit a Requalification by mail only.
    1. A Requalification can be submitted using the online filing system except for a Foreign Nonprofit Corporation. Additional instructions for filing a Reinstatement online can be found below under Reinstatement Instructions.
    2. If you need a paper form emailed or sent to you by mail, please email our office at [email protected] with the below information and the subject line: Requalification form request – UBI #
      1. Business entity name and UBI number
      2. Indicate if the Requalification should be delivered to you by email or mail
      3. If mail is requested provide the mailing address

  1. If the business entity was issued an Expiration of Duration notice, a Business Amendment will need to be submitted and successfully filed before a Reinstatement can be successfully filed. A Business Amendment form can be found on our forms page.

Profit Business Entity Types     Yes
Nonprofit Corporation RCW 24.03A   Yes
Nonprofit Miscellaneous and Mutual Corporation RCW 24.06                          Yes
Foreign Profit Business Entity Requalification                                                    Yes