Limited Liability Company (LLC) & Professional LLC (PLLC) Filing Resource Page

A Limited Liability Company (LLC)*  is formed by one or more individuals or entities through a special written agreement. The agreement details the organization of the LLC, including provisions for management, assignability of interests, and distribution of profits or losses. Limited liability companies are permitted to engage in any lawful, for-profit business or activity other than banking or insurance. Doing business as an LLC may yield tax or financial benefits.

A Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC)* is a Limited Liability Company that provides Professional Services. It is formed by one or more individuals or entities through a special written agreement. This business entity is governed by RCW 25.15 with the election to have RCW 18.100 provisions apply. 

Governing Statute:
RCW 25.15


Read Before Use: This page is not intended to provide legal advice or assist you in selecting an appropriate business structure and is intended to be informational. For assistance in determining the appropriate business structure, please visit the FAQs page for more information.

For general filing information including help options, please click here to view general information at the bottom of the page.

*Filings are subject to additional fees depending on the priority requested and delivery method.

For complete list of filing fees visit our Fee Schedule Page


Click each button below for information on filings and forms available.

 Most Requested Filings This will bring you to our Most Requested Filings, including the following filing types.                                                                                                                

Annual Reports
Initial Reports
Amended Annual Reports.


Register your Business This information is specific to Limited Liability Corporations. If you have not confirmed or decided on what business entity structure your business will be. You can review different business entity structures here or review the small business handbook located at

If you have questions on How to Start a Business, please click our page dedicated to this topic


Business Maintenance Filings

These filing types facilitate the maintenance of information for a business on record. These filings include Articles of Amendment, Name Reservations, Withdrawal of Filed Record, etc.

For our Most Requested Filings, including Annual Reports, Initial Reports and Amended Annual Reports, please click here.

For Registered Agent Filings, please click here.


Reactivate your Business

If your business recently become Administratively dissolved or terminated this section will provide filings and information needed to reactivate your business.

Domestic Business Entity must reactive (reinstate) within 5 years of the business entity’s dissolution date. A Foreign Business Registrations has an unlimited reactivation (requalification) window. A requalification is due when a foreign business entity has been terminated.



Conversion information provided by our office is intended to provide examples of possible conversions for Domestic LLCs only.

While the business type’s governing law may allow for a Conversion of entity type; the law governing the entity type attempting to convert to may prohibit it. Review both laws prior to submitting Conversion documents.
If you have questions on Business Entity Conversions, please click our page dedicated to this topic


Registered Agent Filings

This button or the link below takes you to our Registered Agent FAQ Page. This page provides general information and links to filings which are utilized to appoint, record changes to, or resign as a registered agent for a specific business. 
*Registered Agents must have a physical address in Washington State.

Registered Agent FAQs and Filing Information



Close your Business

The following information is for the purposes of voluntary act by the governing persons to dissolve a business entity.                                                                                                                                     





Register your LLC or PLLC

This information is specific to Limited Liability Companies and Professional Limited Liability Companies. If you have not confirmed or decided on what business entity structure your business will be. You can review different business entity structures here or review the small business handbook located at

If you have questions on How to Start a Business, please click our page dedicated to this topic

This Business Entity type can register as a Domestic and Foreign Business Entity.


Domestic LLC

Domestic Business means your business will be a Washington business and has filed origination documents with Washington State Office of the Secretary of State.


Certificate of Formation

Certificate of Formation for a Limited Liability Company governed by RCW 25.15 is used to create a new business entity that has not previously been registered with the Office of the Secretary of State; or is beyond its five (5) year reinstatement period.

Can you File this Online?                Online Filing Instructions                Mail-In Forms                Filing Fees               
Yes Not Available Form $180


Domestic PLLC

Professional Limited Liability Company (PLLC)* is a Limited Liability Company that provides Professional Services. It is formed through a special written agreement by one or more licensed individuals or entities providing the same professional service. This business entity is governed by RCW 25.15 with the election to have RCW 18.100 provisions apply. 


Certificate of Formation

Certificate of Formation for a Limited Liability Company governed by RCW 25.15 is used to create a new business entity that has not previously been registered with the Office of the Secretary of State; or is beyond its five (5) year reinstatement period.

Can you File this Online?                Online Filing Instructions                Mail-In Forms                Filing Fees               
Yes Not Available Form $180


Foreign LLC

Foreign Business means your business is governed by the law of a jurisdiction other than the state of Washington, or already registered in a different state, territory or country.


Foreign Registration

A Foreign Registration Statement is used for LLCs & PLLCs whose home state is a different state or country for the purpose of registering to do business in Washington State. Home state refers to the place where the business’s creation documents were filed.

Can you File this Online?                Online Filing Instructions                Mail-In Forms                Filing Fees               
Yes Not Available Form $180


Maintenance Filings

These filing types facilitate the maintenance of information for a business on record. These filings include Articles of Amendment, Name Reservations, Withdrawal of Filed Record, etc.

For Registered Agent Filings, please click here.

For our Most Requested Filings, including Annual Reports, Initial Reports and Amended Annual Reports, please click here.


Domestic LLC

Amended Certificate of Formation

Amended Certificate of Formation is used to record changes to the business entity’s previously recorded certificate of formation or its most recently recorded amendment.
Amendment filings are most commonly used to change to the business entity’s name.

Can you File This Online?                Online Filing Instructions                Mail-In Forms                Filing Fees               
Yes Not Available Form $30


Domestic PLLC

Amended Certificate of Formation

Amended Certificate of Formation is used to record changes to the business entity’s previously recorded Certificate of Formation or its most recently recorded amendment.
Amendment filings are most commonly used to change to the business entity’s name.

Can you File This Online?                Online Filing Instructions                Mail-In Forms                Filing Fees               
Yes Not Available Form $30


Foreign LLC

Foreign Registration Amendment

A Foreign Registration Amendment is used to record changes to the business entity’s information that have also been recorded in its home jurisdiction.

Can you File This Online?                Online Filing Instructions                Mail-In Forms                Filing Fees               
Yes Not Available Form $30




Universal Domestic Forms


Statement of Correction

A Statement of Correction may be used by any domestic or foreign business entity to correct an error that was made on a filing recorded with this office. The original filed document will not be corrected; however, the data maintained by the filing system will be corrected to reflect the changes.

 Can you File This Online?                Online Filing Instructions                Mail-In Forms                Filing Fees               
Yes Not Applicable Form $30



Name Reservation

A Name Reservation may be used by any foreign or domestic business entity to reserve a business name prior to registering with the Secretary of State and receiving the Unified Business Identifier (UBI) Number. A Name Reservation is not able to be renewed and the intention is that the business entity will register with the Secretary of State.

A Name Reservation may be used to hold a business name for up to 180 days prior to filing documents with the Secretary of State.

*A name reservation may not be renewed.

 Can you File This Online?                Online Filing Instructions                Mail-In Forms                Filing Fees               
Yes Not Applicable Form $3


 Withdrawal of Filed Record

A Statement of Withdrawal of a Filed Record may be used by any domestic or foreign business entity to withdrawal a filed record prior to the record taking effect.

 Can you File This Online?                Online Filing Instructions                Mail-In Forms                Filing Fees               
Yes Not Applicable





Reactivate your Business

If your business is no longer in active status and now has the status of “administratively dissolved” or “terminated” please review the below information specific to your home jurisdiction.

Domestic LLC Reactivation

(commonly referred to as a Reinstatement)

 A Domestic Business Entity must reactive (reinstate) your business within 5 years of the business entity’s administrative dissolution date. A reinstatement will require an annual report fee for each year an annual report was not filed. In addition, a penalty fee of $140 is assessed.

Failure to file within the 5-year window of the business entity’s dissolution date will mean you are not able to use the assigned UBI and will have to create a new entity formation and you will be assigned a new UBI you will have to bring to the Department of Revenue’s Business Licensing program. Upon registration your Congratulations letter will include additional steps that will need to be taken.


Can you File This Online?                Online Filing Instructions                Mail-In Forms                Filing Fees               
Yes Profit Business Entity Types

If you need a paper form emailed or sent to you by mail, please email our office at [email protected] with the below information and the subject line: Reinstatement form request – UBI #

  1. Business entity name and UBI number
  2. Indicate if the Reinstatement should be delivered to you by email or mail
If mail is requested provide the mailing address
*Please note that form requests sent by mail and submissions processed by mail will be delayed due to higher-than-normal volumes.
Fees are dependent on the length of term in which the business was inactive.


Foreign LLC Reactivation

(commonly referred to as a Requalification)

A Foreign Business Registrations has an unlimited reactivation (requalification) window. A requalification is due when a foreign business entity has been terminated.


Can you File This Online?                Online Filing Instructions                Mail-In Forms                Filing Fees               
Yes Profit Business Entity Types

If you need a paper form emailed or sent to you by mail, please email our office at [email protected] with the below information and the subject line: Requalification form request – UBI #

  1. Business entity name and UBI number
  2. Indicate if the Requalification should be delivered to you by email or mail
  3. If mail is requested provide the mailing address

If mail is requested provide the mailing address
*Please note that form requests sent by mail and submissions processed by mail will be delayed due to higher-than-normal volumes.

Fees are dependent on the length of term in which the business was inactive.








Domestic LLC Conversions

Conversion information provided by our office is intended to provide examples of possible conversions for Domestic Limited Liability Companies only.

While the business type’s governing law may allow for a Conversion of entity type; the law governing the entity type attempting to convert to may prohibit it.  Review both laws prior to submitting Conversion documents. If you have questions on Business Entity Conversions, please click our page dedicated to this topic


*Conversions cannot be filed online!


LLC Converting to a For-Profit Corporation


Required Documents             Required Filing Fees             Examples / Forms               

Drafted Articles of Conversion (See Example)


Profit Articles of Incorporation(Complete & include the Origination Form, or drafted articles are acceptable)

$190 ($10 conversion fee + $180 origination fee)


Origination Form



LLC Converting to a For-Profit Professional Service Corporation


Required Documents             Required Filing Fees             Examples / Forms               

Drafted Articles of Conversion (See Example)


Profit Professional Service Corporation Articles of Incorporation (Complete & include the Origination Form, or drafted articles are acceptable)

$190 ($10 conversion fee + $180 origination fee)


Origination Form



LLC Converting to a Social Purpose Corporation

RCW 23B.25

Required Documents             Required Filing Fees             Examples / Forms               
Drafted Articles of Conversion (See Example)


Articles of Incorporation for a Social Purpose Corporation (Complete & include the Origination Form, or drafted articles are acceptable)

$190 ($10 conversion fee + $180 origination fee)


Origination Form



LLC Converting to a Nonprofit Corporation

RCW 24.03A

Required Documents             Required Filing Fees             Examples / Forms               
Drafted Articles of Conversion (See Example)


Nonprofit Articles of Incorporation (Complete & include the Origination Form, or drafted articles are acceptable)

Either $50 or $90, the fees are dependent on if the business provides a voluntary certification of its gross revenue being less than $500,000 in the most recent fiscal year to qualify for the reduced fee.

($10 conversion fee + $40 or $80 origination fee)


Origination Form



LLC Converting to a Nonprofit Professional Service Corporation

RCW 24.03A

Required Documents             Required Filing Fees             Examples / Forms               

Drafted Articles of Conversion (See Example)


Nonprofit Professional Service Corporation Articles of Incorporation (Complete & include the Origination Form, or drafted articles are acceptable)

Either $50 or $90, the fees are dependent on if the business provides a voluntary certification of its gross revenue being less than $500,000 in the most recent fiscal year to qualify for the reduced fee.

($10 conversion fee + $40 or $80 origination fee)


Origination Form


LLC Converting to a Limited Partnership or Limited Liability Limited Partnership (LP or LLLP)

RCW 25.10

Required Documents             Required Filing Fees             Examples / Forms               

Drafted Articles of Conversion (See Example)


Certificate of a Limited Partnership (Complete & include the Origination Form, or drafted articles are acceptable)

$190 ($10 conversion fee + $180 origination fee)


Origination Form


LLC Converting to a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

RCW 25.05

Required Documents             Required Filing Fees             Examples / Forms               

Drafted Articles of Conversion (See Example)


Certificate of a Limited Liability Partnership (Complete & include the Origination Form, or drafted articles are acceptable)

$190 ($10 conversion fee + $180 origination fee)


Origination Form




Closing your Business

The following information is for the purposes of voluntary act by the governing persons to dissolve a Limited Liability Company.


Domestic LLC

Certificate of Dissolution

Certificate of Dissolution is used to voluntarily dissolve the business entity. After 120 days of this submission being filed the business entity is no longer eligible for reinstatement or revocation and is considered permanently dissolved.

 Can you File This Online?                Online Filing Instructions                Mail-In Form                Filing Fees               
Yes Not Available




Foreign LLC


Statement of Withdrawal
A Statement of Withdrawal can be used to voluntarily withdrawal the business entity from transacting business in Washington State. After this submission is successfully filed, the UBI number may no longer be used.

  Can you File This Online?                Online Filing Instructions                Mail-In Form                Filing Fees               
Yes Not Available






General Filing & Form Information

For those who need their documents in a hurry, the Corporations Division offers expedited service and same-day service. The fee for expedited service is $100 per business entity, and expedited filings are generally processed within three business days.

* Due to system limitations, the same-day service fee ($150 per business entity) will not be assessed. Same-day service fee for front-counter transactions will be charged as an expedited fee and processed the same day if received before 3:30 p.m. Same-day services may be limited due to business hours and the quantity of filings submitted. A 30-day notice will be provided via our website and lobby signage before implementing the $150 Same Day Service fee.

To receive expedited service by mail, enclose $100 per entity (in addition to regular fees) and write "EXPEDITE" in bold letters on the outside of the envelope.

Per WAC 434-112-085(7) the Annual Report fee for Profit Business Entity types has increased to $70.

See WAC 434-112-080 and 434-112-085 for more information.

We accept cash, checks, money orders, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express for your convenience. All payments must be received in US Dollars. Payments submitted to this office are not refundable WAC 434-112-075 & 434-112-085.


Do you need assistance with filing?
If you have any questions about completing forms for accessibility needs, please contact our Customer Relations team via the following methods:

  • Chat 
  • Email
  • Phone
    • To ask about available alternative methods for submitting a filing or form for the visually impaired, please call 360-725-0377. Teletype (TTY) users may use Washington Relay Service by calling 711.



Submitting Filings Online

If you experience any problems or have questions while using the online filing system, please contact the Corporations and Charities division using the information available on the Contact Us page.

Corporation filings can be completed by visiting our Corporations and Charities Filing System (CCFS) landing page.

If you need assistance with account creation, or with a password reset, please review the below links.


Upload Section

This section is used to upload additional documents if needed. The Office does not record meeting minutes, ownership information, operating agreements, bylaws, and other internal governance documents. If provided, these items will be removed from the record before completion.

*Uploading documents will delay the instant filing feature of an annual report and delay the acceptance of other filings until it can be reviewed in-office.


Mail Submissions -Filing by Paper Form or Drafted Documents

Mail flings have a high risk for return for corrections because the form allows customers to leave required fields blank or to submit invalid addresses that do not pass USPS address verification.

Review our Common Reasons for Returned Documents Page for more information. 

When completing the form, please use dark ink only.

Complete the entire form and enter all requested information in the fields provided.

Send the completed form and payment to one of the below options.


Physical/Overnight address:
801 Capitol Way South
Olympia, WA 98501

Mailing address:
PO Box 40234
Olympia, WA 98504-0234.

The post mark date is not the received date. If an annual report is received in our office past the expiration date, a delinquency fee of $25 is due for all business types except Nonprofits.

To receive expedited service by mail, enclose $100 per entity (in addition to regular fees) and write "EXPEDITE" in bold letters on the outside of the envelope.


In-Person Submissions - Filing by Paper Form or Drafted Documents

In-Person Services: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday except legal holidays.

Physical address: Dolliver Building
801 Capitol Way South
Olympia, WA 98501
View Map

We recommend customers arrive at least 30 minutes prior to 4 p.m. to receive same day service.

Parking behind the building and on Talcott Ave may be limited due to current construction.

* Due to system limitations, the same-day service fee ($150 per business entity) will not be assessed. Same-day service fee for front-counter transactions will be charged as an expedited fee and processed the same day if received before 3:30 p.m. Same-day services may be limited due to business hours and the quantity of filings submitted. A 30-day notice will be provided via our website and lobby signage before implementing the $150 Same Day Service fee.