What addresses to use when filing?

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When creating or maintaining a domestic (WA) or foreign (non-WA) legal entity like a corporation or an LLC, the address requirements can often be confusing. Here are a few things to consider when deciding what addresses to use.

Registered Agent Address Requirement: (RCW 23.95.400-.460)
This address must be a physical street address in the state of Washington where the Registered Agent is available for service of process, notice, or demand. PO Boxes, Private Mailbox, and virtual “real addresses” may not be used for the Registered Agent physical address. If necessary, you can add an alternate mailing address in Washington, but that is only in addition to the required physical address. More information about Registered Agents can be found here.

Principal Office Address Requirement: (RCW 23.95.105 (28)
The Principal Office (formerly Principal Place of Business) address must be the street address of the business. A PO BOX or PMB cannot be used for the physical address requirement but can be provided as an alternate mailing address. Depending on how your business is structured, this address can be the same as the Registered Agent, or it can be a separate location where records are maintained.

Things to consider:

  • All information provided to the Secretary of State is considered public record and available to anyone
  • If you do not have a physical address in Washington State, there are many services for hire that will represent you as your Registered Agent. We cannot assist you in choosing a service, but you may search the web for a company that meets your needs
  • When you file your business license with the Business Licensing Service, you may have additional requirements regarding your location