File for Office

Online Candidate Filing

  • Mobile devices are not recommended.
  • If we do not receive payment by 5 p.m. on the final day of filing (May 9, 2025), we cannot accept your submission.
  • Please allow 24-48 hours for candidacy approval. You will receive a confirmation email at the candidate email address.

Requirements to file online

  • Be registered to vote in the district for which you are filing.
  • Pay with Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
  • Provide a valid email address.
  • Submit by 5 p.m. on Friday.

File in person or by mail

  • Complete a paper filing form.
  • Pay with cash or check.
    • Make checks payable to "Secretary of State."
  • Must be received in office by 5 p.m. on Friday.
  • Submit a petition in lieu of filing fee.
    • Candidates without sufficient assets or income may submit a filing fee petition to pay the filing fee.
    • You may not file signature petitions electronically.
    • You may not combine petition signatures and currency to satisfy the filing fee.
    • Only signatures of registered voters in the same jurisdiction as the office are valid.
    • Each petition sheet must:
      1. Be printed on uniform paper size and color.
      2. Include a place for each voter’s registration name, address, city, and county.
      3. Provide 20 numbered lines or less.
      4. Display the required warning and statement found in RCW 29A.24.101 and RCW 29A.72.140.
    • No additional signatures are accepted after initial submission at time of filing.
    • Petition sheets are not returned to the candidate.
    • Printable templates: Filing Fee Petition Template.pdf  Filing Fee Petition Template.docx
    • Petitions must include a total number of valid signatures no fewer than the dollar amount of the filing fee.
    • No person may sign more than one nominating petition for the same office.
    • Without the required number of signatures, the petition is insufficient and your Declaration of Candidacy is invalid.

Filing office

All candidates are encouraged to file a Declaration of Candidacy online. For help, please contact your filing office.

The Office of the Secretary of State administers the public offices listed below: 

  • United States Senator
  • United States Representative
  • Statewide Executive
  • State Legislative
  • Supreme Court Justice
  • Court of Appeals Judge
  • Superior Court Judge

Contact your county elections office for all other offices.

Knowingly providing false information on a Declaration of Candidacy is a class C felony as provided by RCW 29A.84.711.

Office of the Secretary of State: call (360) 902-4180, toll free 1 (800) 448-4881, email Assistance is available Monday- Friday, 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.