2022 Primary Election
Ballot Return Statistics
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Ballot Status Reports
Ballot status reports are posted after 5:00 PM every business day, beginning two weeks prior to the Election and continuing until the Election is certified.
Also known as the matchback report, the ballot status reports contain ballots received, accepted, or challenged. All voter information in these reports is public information per RCW 29A.08.710. The personally identifiable information of eligible individuals who are under the age of 18 (future voters) is exempt from public inspection and copying, except for the purpose of processing and delivering ballots, per RCW 29A.08.710. Usage of this data is subject to RCW 29A.08.740 and RCW 29A.08.720.
In these reports, “rejected” is a temporary term (in many cases) that means the ballot is being challenged. Most challenged ballots have until the day before certification to be cured with the proper form. The County Canvassing Boards, which meet on August 16, are the only authority that can officially reject a ballot. For more information on challenged ballots, see our list of Ballot Status Codes.
Risk-Limiting Audits
County | Audit Date | Target Contest | Files |
County Spokane | Audit Date 8/9/2022 | Target Contest Legislative District 3 State Representative Position 2 | Files Audit Board Report |
Random seed: 49244940797271775717
Random seed dice roll: https://youtu.be/qxZBh5qDQvI
Other Files
2022 Primary Results Certification.pdf
2022 Primary Reconciliation.xlsx