OLYMPIA – Washington Secretary of State Steve Hobbs called out the presidential administration’s action to place members of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) on administrative leave at a time when threats from cybercriminals and nation states to state and local elections grow.
OLYMPIA — Secretary of State Steve Hobbs is proud to announce the two outstanding recipients of the 2024 John Lewis Youth Leadership Award from Washington state: Charles Johnson and Iliana Barnes Diaz. These young leaders have demonstrated a deep commitment to civic engagement, social justice, and community empowerment, carrying forward the legacy of the late Congressman John Lewis.
OLYMPIA – The Office of the Secretary of State launched a new lobby exhibit in the Legislative Building on January 29 commemorating the contributions and history of the Washington National Guard. Assembled in partnership with the Washington National Guard, Of the community, For the community: The Washington National Guard since 1883 celebrates the stories of Washington’s citizen-soldiers and airmen, and their ever-evolving role in the community.