ALERT: Our office is aware that some customers are receiving duplicate notices via mail. Please disregard if you have received a duplicate notification. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. [POSTED DATE 2/7/2025]
Definition: “Trademark” or “mark” refers to any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination thereof, adopted and used by a person to identify goods made or sold by persons and to distinguish them from goods made or sold by others. Acceptable Trademarks: Any word, name, symbol, or device or any combination thereof, and any title, designation, slogan, character name, and distinctive feature of radio or television programs, used by a person in the sale or advertising of services to identify the services provided by persons and to distinguish them from the services of others.
See RCW 19.77 for guidance and what is required to register a Trademark in the State of Washington. Use the Corporations and Charities Filing System to check for any similar marks that may already be in use and on record with the State of Washington. The electronically fillable Trademark Registration application form with instructions is available for download on our website under Trademarks. The Trademark Registration form is electronically fillable however it must be saved, printed, and mailed to our office for review of filing. We recommend registrars seek legal advice for any assistance with registering and/or maintaining the registered Trademark.
Trademark filings must be submitted by postal mail at the address indicated below.
Washington Secretary of State - Corporations and Trademarks
Physical/Overnight address:
801 Capitol Way South
Olympia WA 98501
Mailing Address:
PO BOX 40234
Olympia, WA 98504-0234
At least one electronic or photographic sample is required showing the mark in use in commerce within the Classification(s) selected in order to complete the filing submission. Business cards, letterhead and envelopes may be accepted if they correspond with the Classification(s) as selected. Acceptable samples MUST:
There are two processing timeframes. Routine processing is typically 5 to 7 business days from receipt. Expedited Service is typically 1 to 2 business days from receipt. Expedited Service requires an additional fee of $100.00.
Trademark Reservations provide 180 days (six months) of protection from the date of filing. The cost is $30 per Classification number selected. The reservation is limited to one filing and they cannot be renewed. One electronic or photographic sample displaying the Trademark artwork is required and it may be preliminary design artwork.
Submit a Trademark Assignment form along with a required notarized signature of the present trademark owner. Filing fee is $10.00 and if a new certificate is requested in addition to the filing, the filing fee is $15.00.
Submit a Trademark Amendment form in order to change or add Classifications to the registered Trademark. Filing fee is $50.00 per additional Classification and requires at least one electronic or photographic sample showing the use in commerce within each classification added. Per statue, a Trademark Amendment may not change the mark itself. See RCW 19.77.030(6)
Please submit a written request, with a filing fee of $10.00. The following information must be included with your request: The trademark registration number, which address is changing (trademark owner OR trademark applicant), the new address, and the contact name, phone number and email address of the requestor.
Please mail the completed address change request and payment to:
Office of the Secretary of State
Corporation & Charities Division
Trademark Program
801 Capitol Way S
PO Box 40234
Olympia, WA 98504
Trademark registrations are effective for a term of five years from the date of registration. The registration may be renewed for successive terms of five years for the goods and services still in use in the State of Washington. Trademarks may be renewed six months prior to the expiration date of such term.
Contact Information:
State of Washington
Business Licensing Services
PO Box 9034
Olympia WA 98507-9034
Phone: 1-800-451-7985
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 360-705-6699
The United States Patent and Trademark Office files trademarks federally. Please visit their website at: . Website provides resources and general information about Trademarks and what customers should know before filing.
Please email us at [email protected]