Address Confidentiality Program (ACP)

1 (800) 822-1065    (360) 753-2972    Fax: (360) 586-4388

The Washington Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) offers survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, or trafficking, and Criminal Justice Affiliates, Election Officials, and Protected Health Care Workers who are a target for threats or harassment, a substitute mailing address to receive first class mail. The address is accepted by Washington state, county, and city government agencies in lieu of a residential address for creating records.

ACP is designed to help people who fear for their safety maintain a confidential address. Passed by legislature in 1991, ACP is used as part of an overall safety plan to prevent perpetrators from locating participants through public records such as driver licenses, voter registries and marriage records.

ACP provides services that work best as part of an overall safety plan. ACP provides a substitute address for eligible individuals and their household members. This address can be used on new records with government agencies and the courts. ACP also provides confidential mail forwarding services that includes acting as a legal agent for services of process. In addition, we protect two normally public records - voting and marriage.

New participants receive an authorization card with a substitute address to use when creating new public records with state and local government agencies. Participants are certified for four years unless they withdraw from the program or are cancelled.   


Spring 2024

  • * What is a Public Record?
  • * Confidential vs Public Records
  • * Need to make an Update?
  • * Data Safety Tips: MyHealth MyData Act
  • * Resources
    • Privacy Rights website
    • Federal Communications Commission: Cybersecurity for Small Businesses

Fall 2023

  • *ACP Participant Updates
    • General Election
    • Presidential Primary
    • Oh those RED stamps
    • New Website
  • * If you need to send an update!
  • *Internet Safety Suggestions - More Opt-Out Online
    • Archives
    • BeenVerified
    • FastPeopleSearch
    • Spokeo
    • Kanary
    • Federal Communications Commission Tips on Cellphone Security

Spring 2023

  • * ACP Participant Updates
    • Voter Notifications
    • Do you have kids in school?
  • * Is there a move in your future?
  • * How do I get my information offline?
    • LexisNexis Opt-Out
    • Opt-Out Online: OneRep, Safe Shepherd, DeleteMe, OneTrust

Winter 2022

  • * Tis the Season...ACP Package Policy
  • * Participants with New Dependents
  • * Credit Report and Safety

Summer 2022

  • * Looking Back - While Moving Forward
  • * School Verification Letter
  • * Register to Vote
  • * ACP Website - State Agency Compliance
  • * Do you need to make an update to your file?
  • * Useful Resources - check these out!
    • Affordable Connectivity Program - ended on 6/1/2024
    • Technology Safety Tips
    • LexisNexis Opt-Out Form

Winter 2021

  • * Here's what you don't know about the ACP
  • * Register to Vote
  • * Phone number updates - Comcast, Century Link or Lumen, AT&T or Direct TV
  • * Is there a move in your future?
  • * Is it a Safe Label Name, Previous Name, or Alias?

Spring 2021

  • * New authorization cards!
  • * Authorization vs Identification
  • * Register to Vote
  • * Businesses, Nonprofits, and Charities
  • * Is there a move in your future?
  • * Vaccine Registries & Survivor Privacy

Spring 2020

  • * It's Census Time!
  • * What exactly is a Public Record?
  • * A move in your future?
  • * Updating your driver's license or ID card
  • * Voting - what's new?

ACP relies on the expertise of advocates located throughout the state to assist applicants. Applicants can meet with advocates who have been designated as an Application Assistant (AA) to apply for the program.

Pursuant to RCW 40.24.050, state and local agencies, law enforcement, and the courts shall use the ACP designated address as the participants address when creating a new public record. ACP participants must request the agency use of the designated address and may use it as their home, work, or school address. 

The secretary of state is designated as the legal agent for participants and accepts any summons, writ, notice, demand or process on behalf of the program participant (WAC 434-840-080).

To serve the secretary as an agent for the participant, include two copies and a check or money order for $25.00 made out to "Office of the Secretary of State". The outside envelope should be marked "Service of Process" to ensure proper tracking of receipt.

Service of process by mail:

Address Confidentiality Program
PO Box 257 
Olympia WA 98507-0257

Service of process in-person:

Office of the Secretary of State
c/o ACP
416 Sid Snyder Ave SW
Olympia WA 98504

Upon receipt of service, a copy will immediately be forwarded to the program participant at their current mailing address.

The ACP is administered by the Office of the Washington Secretary of State. The main governing Laws and Administrative Codes are Chapter 40.24 RCW and Chapter 434-840 WAC. 

ACP Law and Codes

Applicable State Laws

Applicable Federal Laws

ACP Exemptions

How does ACP help keep my information private?

All participant data is classified and maintained as private data by the ACP office. Measures are in place to secure participant data, which is extremely sensitive.

The ACP office will only disclose a participant's real residential address to a third party in response to a valid court order or law enforcement agency request. A formal request from a law enforcement agency is required to be signed by the agency's chief officer*.

*If a participant's abuser is a member of law enforcement then a law enforcement agency would be required to obtain a court order.

Does ACP forward all types of mail?

The ACP forwards all First-Class mail, including registered and certified mail. First-class mail includes all personal mail, bills, cards, letters, etc. The ACP will also forward bank checks. The ACP cannot forward packages, magazines, or marketing mail.

Can ACP participants receive registered mail or subpoenas?

Yes. The ACP accepts personal and legal mail. The ACP can receive such mail on behalf of a participant and forward it to them. This is treated as a participant receiving the mail.

Does enrolling in the ACP keep participants safe?

ACP participation does not guarantee safety. If used correctly, the ACP can be a valuable addition to an overall safety plan. The ACP adds to, and does not substitute for, a comprehensive safety plan.

Must government agencies accept the substitute address on an ACP Authorization Card?

Yes, with very few exceptions. Washington state and local government agencies must accept the ACP substitute address when presented a valid ACP authorization card. They cannot require a participant to disclose their actual address.

Can ACP participants vote?

Yes. ACP participants receive ACP voter registration information and ACP specific voting forms when they enroll. ACP participants should not register to vote online or at any state government office. This includes:

  • Department of Licensing
  • Department of Social and Health Services
  • Health Benefits Exchange Office
Where can I use the ACP substitute address?

All Washington state or local agencies, with few exceptions. Private businesses and federal agencies are not required to accept the ACP substitute address but may work with a participant upon request. 

This includes:

  • Voting Registration
  • Department of Licensing
  • Marriage Records
  • Banks
  • Public Libraries
  • Washington Court System
  • Social Services
  • Police Departments
Confidential vs. Non-Confidential

Confidential Information

  • Actual street address
  • Mailing address, if different
  • City of residence
  • County of residence
  • Voting precinct
  • Unique identifying information related to a participant's home, work, or school

Non-Confidential Information

  • ACP participation status
  • A participant's substitute address
  • State of residence
  • Records created before ACP enrollment
  • Information voluntarily provided by the participant to a state or local government agency
2025 State and Federal Holidays
(Mail will not be forwarded)
Memorial Day May 26
Juneteenth June 19
Independence Day July 4
Labor Day Sept 1
Indigenous Peoples'/Columbus Day Oct 13
Veterans Day Nov 11
Thanksgiving Day Nov 27
Native American Heritage Day Nov 28
Christmas Day Dec 25


Washington Resources
National Resources
Participant Forms

Change of Information Form

Cancellation Request Form

Utility Alias or Safe Label Request Form


ACP Brochure

ACP Brochure - Spanish

Address Confidentiality Programs by State

Note: ACP is housed in a secure location with no public access