Teacher-Librarian Common Core Cadre (TLC3)
Project overview
In order to better support the professional development of teacher librarians, the Washington State Library worked with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to develop training workshops that support the changing learning standards in Washington public schools and make the school library a more valuable collaborator for other subject areas.
Current Training
Teacher-Librarian Core Curriculum Self-Paced Niche Academy Course
Designed for new school library workers, school library workers who haven’t been formally trained, aspiring school library workers, or anyone who would like a refresher in the core knowledge needed to run a successful library program in a school, this self-guided course will take you through four modules: Collection Management, Information Literacy & Digital Citizenship, School Library Programming, and School Library Partnerships. You are welcome to take the entire course, or just pick and choose the modules that will be most helpful for you! While designed for school library folks, this might be a useful module to explore for public libraries who want to understand what their school library partners do! You’ll need to have a Niche Academy account and request access to the course – you don’t need to register if you don’t need Clock Hours. Request access and I’ll let you in!
Materials from previously held workshops

We encourage your feedback. If you have comments or suggestions, please use our
feedback form.
Funded in part by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).