ALERT: See below for information regarding deceptive phone calls, emails, or mailed letters demanding fees. [POSTED DATE 11/21/2024]

AVISO: Por favor lea a continuación para información acerca de las falsas llamadas telefónicas, correos electrónicos, o cartas enviadas por correo postal, exigiendo pagos monetarios. [POSTED DATE 11/21/2024]

Self Assessment Guide - Charitable Organizations

Our office cannot determine if an organization is required to register with the Charities Program. Review our self-assessment guides below to determine if registration is required with the Charities Program per the RCWs. Additional links have been provided to the RCWs, please note that you can find the link for the WAC for Charities, Commercial Fundraisers, and Charitable Trusts here.

Self Assessment Guide - Charitable Organizations - RCW 19.09.020 (2)

If the organization determines that it is required to register with the Charities Program, see the directions for filing the Charity Registration online through the Corporations and Charities Filing System “CCFS”. You will initially need to create an individual user account if you haven’t already used CCFS.

If the organization determines it is not required to register with the Charities Program, we do offer an Optional Registration with no filing fee. See the directions to complete the registration through CCFS.

Benefits of maintaining a registration with Charities Program is that the public can search for the organization through CCFS which provides transparency for the public, and the organization is able to be a participant in the Combined Fund Drive “CFD”. The CFD is Washington State’s workplace giving program for active and retired public employees. State and higher education employees are invited to give to the charity of their choice through payroll contribution and agency fundraising events.

PublicCharitable PurposeCommercial FundraiserPublic

DISCLAIMER: This chart and any related materials are not intended to provide legal, business, or tax advice, and are furnished without representation or warranty. While this chart is believed to reflect registration requirements as of its revision date, compliance with applicable law, as the same may be amended from time to time, remains the responsibility of the user of this chart. Questions should be addressed to the user's legal, business, or tax advisors.