Working on San Juan Island

[caption id="attachment_74" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Home of Jim Crook at British Camp - now San Juan National Park"]Home of Jim Crook at British Camp - now San Juan National Park[/caption] Last week I was working on a project with Laura Tretter and her crew at the San Juan Island Library. They are collaborating with San Juan Historical Museum to create a multimedia collection about Jim Crook (read more about the project here). Mr. Crook was an interesting figure on the Island for many years (1873-1967). He lived out on the site of English Camp (after the Brits were gone of course). The Jim Crook collection will be the first sub-collection in San Juan Hertiage - part of the Washington Rural Hertiage collections. We'll unveil more about Jim Crook when this collection goes live in August.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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