Non-profit, now what?

If you’ve formed a non-profit, you may be thinking: now what? Figuring out how to stay in compliance with the law and keeping paperwork up-to-date can be tricky. So what's a new non-profit to do? Might I suggest taking a peek at our Corporations & Charities Division and its free ongoing series that goes over all the nuts and bolts of being a non-profit? This Thursday, our February session will be held in Port Orchard at the Givens Community Center (Olympia Room) from 6 to 8 p.m. Our division experts, as well as folks from the state Department of Revenue, will go over how and when you need to register as a charity, how to file articles of incorporation and need-to-know tax info. This event is free and open to the public – it’s for you if you run a non-profit, are thinking of forming one, or work with non-profits on a regular basis. Need more info or what to find out about upcoming sessions? Contact the Division of Corporations and Charities at (360) 725-0377 or (360) 725-0378 for more details.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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