Happy, happy ... and ready to get involved

State Elections Director Nick Handy sends along a new national survey from Public Agenda that says most voters say they're happy with their latest voting experience -- despite some lingering concerns about the process -- and that many are strongly interested in getting involved in their communities. The nationwide survey was conducted by Public Agenda, a nonpartisan, nonprofit public policy and public opinion group, and was financed by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. More deets at http://publicagenda.org. (Survey taken among 1,485 voters right after the November election, with margin of error of plus or minus 2.5 percentage points.) Talking points: *9 in 10 said their own voting experience was positive and 95 percent said they were glad they spent the time, even if they endured poll-site lines. (Most of us in Wor-shing-ton voted by mail.) Most said their experience was better than the last time they voted.... *63 percent of upper-income voters said they were excited about voting, compared with 79 percent of low-income voters. *A number of voters expressed concerns about the election system, such as fear that some people voted who shouldn't have, and, on the other hand, that there were attempts to suppress turnout in some sectors. Yet only 8 percent said they were worried about the accuracy of the results in their own polling place. *Most said they were highly motivated by this particular election and valued the act of voting very much. *61 percent said they frequently volunteer in their schools and communities -- and most of these people said they vote in elections. *61 percent said they'll give as much or more to charity over the next year and volunteer for community organizations. More than half said they're likely to get involved in campaigns.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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