State and Federal Recovery Web Sites

Governor Gregoire launched Washington's site,, today. According to the press release: "The website is designed to help Washingtonians understand the recovery package and locate information that helps local governments find the right place to apply for funding. It also will serve as a “one-stop” location for accountability

information so residents can see that the recovery money is being spent wisely." For those wishing to follow the economic stimulus funding this is the site to monitor. Especially of interest is the web page entitled, Do you have a project that could be eligible for federal funding, A table lists program name, description, contact, and estimated Washington share. Program names such as Community Development Block Grant, Community Service Employment for Older Americans, Dept of Commerce - Broadband Deployment Grant Program, K-12 School Modernization, Renovation and Repair, and School Improvement Programs may be of interest. There is also a link to federal agency recovery sites, This resource resides on the federal site,, another site which stimulus funding watchers should monitor.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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