Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

It's not often I have an excuse to look at a Penny Arcade comic at work, and to be sure, I only took the chance today because LISNews proffered the link for me. Now, having had the joy of a little PA (as we in the webcomics world like to call it) in my day, I thought I could, in turn, share with you. If your boss asks why you're looking at webcomics during work hours, just tell them that the Washington State Library said it was okay ... just this once.

This reminds me of that video that cropped up a few years ago about the researcher who is trying to switch from the scroll to book format (back when it was a new technology). Fun times!

I won't link to that one because hey, I'm really not out to get you in trouble, and everyone knows that dirty YouTube is just a big time waster. Not like webcomics, which are art.

Click the picture to see the full comic over at Penny Arcade.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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