Clippings, June 12, 2009

Clippings, June 12, 2009 Library News Langley Library (Sno-Isle Libraries) display depicts the library from a humble beginning to the community hub that it is today. As library users’ needs change, Langley Library continues to move forward, boldly facing the future to best meet the needs of tomorrow. (Photos) (South Whidbey Record [Langley], 5.20.2009) The Bonney Lake Library and the Buckley Library (Pierce County Library System) host meetings to present preliminary recommendations for Pierce County Library System’s 20-year facilities plan “Library 2030.” (Bonney Lake Sumner Courier-Herald [Kent], 5.20.09) The city of Port Orchard revised its agreement with the Port Orchard Library (Kitsap Regional Library (KRL)). Kitsap Regional Library is updating its agreements with all its libraries except Silverdale and Sylvan Way, where KRL owns the building. (Independent [Port Orchard], 5.22.09) Jodi Reng, Executive Director of the Timberland Regional Library, presented an annual update of the library system to the Pacific County Commissioners and managers of all of the libraries in Pacific County. Reng quoted Charles Dickens “These are the worst of times; these are the best of times, “ explaining that in these tough economic times, people need their library like never before and services must be provided with fewer resources. (Willapa Harbor Herald [Raymond], 5.20.09) Elections The Fife City Council voted to let the citizens of the city decide whether or not they should be annexed into the Pierce County Library System. Residents of Fife can expect to see the question of annexing on their November ballots. (Milton-Edgewood Signal [Tacoma], 5.21.09) Buildings The Vancouver Community Library (Fort Vancouver Regional Library District) invites bids on their Phase 1 Bid Packages. Construction is to begin in August 2009. (Daily Journal of Commerce [Seattle], 5.5.09) The Quincy City Council purchased four lots in the downtown district that will be the home of the new Quincy Public Library (North Central Regional Library). (Photo) (Quincy Valley Post Register, 5.21.09) Kitsap Regional Library’s Silverdale branch gets new carpet. The new carpet is environmentally friendly. (Central Kitsap Reporter [Silverdale], 5.22.09) Programs & Displays Mid-Columbia Libraries offered “Mother Goose on the Loose” workshop for childcare providers, children’s librarians, and any interested parties to teach them how to offer this early childhood literacy program for babies, young children, and their parents/caregivers. The 30-minute structured program is based on the learning theories of Barbara Cass-Beggs ( (Franklin County Graphic [Connell], 5.21.09) New databases are available throughout Columbia County Rural Library District (Dayton Public Library). Databases include an Automotive Repair, HeritageQuest Genealogy, eLibrary, Global Road Warrior, RefUSA, EBSCO Small Engine Repair, and World Book Encyclopedia. (Dayton Chronicle, 5.20.09) Book Sales Students at the Oakesdale Elementary School collected coins and donated a total of just over $30 during the Oakesdale Library (Whitman County Library District) penny drive. Money donated during the penny drive goes to help fund children’s programs in Oakesdale. (Whitman County Gazette [Colfax], 5.21.09)

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