5th Grader Raises Money for School Library

10-year-old fifth grader Niv Bhide

And it wasn't even his OWN library!

Ten-year-old Niv Bhide heard that another school in town didn't have some of the advantages that his school does. The other school doesn't have a Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) to sponsor events like the Scholastic book fairs that he enjoyed at his own school.

So he and his mother wrote about 20 letters to folks they know in the community, thinking they might raise $100 or so for the library. Instead, the effort snowballed, and $2300 poured in, more than doubling the library's annual book budget.

Read this entire heartwarming story in the Wenatchee World.

Way to go, Niv! Your efforts are awe-inspiring!

The Washington State Library salutes you!

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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