Library News
The merger between LaConner's school and library district has been mothballed for the time being. Governing boards for the two districts decided last week to call off their rush to meet a mid-December filing deadline to include a bond measure on a February ballot to fund moving the library onto school property. The boards decided it makes sense to wait until December 2015, when the library's original $210,000 mortgage, taken on its Morris Street building, will be paid off. (La Conner Weekly News, 11.10.10)
Ferndale City Council members hope that people will be in the spirit of giving in the next two weeks as they seek to help bolster fundraising for a new library by matching public donations. The council on Monday, Nov. 15, pledged to give an additional $100,000 to the Whatcom Community Foundation to help pay for the project, plus the city will match another $75,000 from the public. (Bellingham Herald, 11.17.10)
As a Cooperating Collection Library of The Foundation Center, the Port Townsend Public Library provides free local access to grant maker directories, books on fundraising, and non-profit management, and the Foundation Center's electronic databases. Over 90,000 U.S. Foundations and corporate donors are listed with recent grant opportunities updated continuously. (The Leader [Port Townsend], 11.17.10)
Anyone with an Orcas Island Library card can now use a relatively new database,, Library Version, to start doing free genealogy research. provides access to thousands of historical digitalized public records and databases in an easy and straightforward method. This research can be done at the library only. You can use your own laptop or access a library computer for research on an hourly basis. (The Island Sounder [Eastsound], 11.24.10)
More than a century of Seattle Times coverage is now available for viewing through the Seattle Public Library. The library now offers free access to digitized copies of The Times' historical archives dating back to 1900. The entire archive is searchable and anyone with a library card can print out, magnify and digitally save an unlimited number of pages. (Seattle Times, 11.25.10)
The Columbia County Rural Library District recently installed a large book drop box near the alley on the north side of the Dayton Memorial Library. Patrons can drive right up to the box and return library materials, and patrons on foot can avoid climbing the stairs to make their returns. District Director Janet Lyon said, "Many people, especially senior patrons and handicapped individuals asked us to make our book return more accessible." (Photo) (Blue Mountain News, [Dayton] 12.2010)
The Manchester Library, a part of Kitsap Regional Library, will be closed for one to two months to repair damages sustained when a pipe burst after the November 22 storm. KRL is working with Friends of the Manchester Library, which owns the building, to remove all items, including shelving and furniture, so damage can be fully assessed. (Kitsap Sun, 12.2.10)
The Bellingham City Council voted last night to save the Bellingham Public Library outreach program to homebound seniors. Councilman Barry Buchanan got his peers to agree to use $70,000 in budget reserves to continue the Library Outreach program, a service that helps get books to homebound seniors at assisted living facilities. (Bellingham Herald, 12.7.10)
Top administrators at Kitsap Regional Library don't favor asking voters for a levy rate hike again in 2011. Although KRL's board of directors could choose to override them, the consensus among staff is a new levy measure would fail, just as votes rejected a proposed levy rate increase in November. (Kitsap Sun, 12.2.10)
The King County Library System held a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Newcastle Library under sunny skies the afternoon of Oct. 20. The library is now concluding the permitting process with the city, and it is now weeks away from beginning construction, which will take about a year. (Photo) (The Newcastle News, [Issaquah] 11.5.10)
The Port Townsend Public Library Foundation was established in 1995 to strengthen and expand funding sources for the Port Townsend Public Library. In 2010, the potential expansion of the century-old Carnegie Library building brings on a new project for the Foundation. In order to supplement tax and grant funding, the Foundation is launching a three-year Capital Campaign to raise $1 million in private funds. (The Leader [Port Townsend], 11.17.10)
The Olympia Timberland Library is in the midst of an upgrade to improve lighting and the indoor environment for library patrons and staff members. By the end of the year, the library will be equipped with energy-efficient lights and a new heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system, library officials said. (The Olympian, 11.22.10)
Letters & Editorials
Spokane Mayor Mary Verner's budget proposes the closure of the East Side branch library and layoff of library employees to save approximately $285,000. East Side is in the poorest area of Spokane, making it difficult for children to travel to other libraries. I challenge our local leaders to find a solution. These children should not suffer because of their parents' economic plight. (Spokesman Review, 11.14.10)
Recently, The Olympian published an article about energy upgrades to the downtown branch of the Olympia Timberland Library. The project, costing $250,000 and funded by the city of Olympia, is estimated to save $11,500 per year in energy. By my calculations, that means the project will not break even for over 20 years. Once again, the city is exhibiting flawless judgment. (The Olympian, 11.29.10)
Programs & Displays
A local artist's portraits are on display at the Edmonds Library from November 2 to December 15. The Edmonds Library is featuring the portraits of Edmonds artist, Bonnie Hodges. Hodges works mainly with oil, pastel, watercolor, and computer-rendered art. Her realistic style brings spirit and energy to her portraits and other paintings. (Photo) (The Edmonds Beacon [Mukilteo], 11.11.10)
Friends of the Odessa Library held a fundraising event December 1 that coincided with this year's Christmas Fest Celebration. Proceeds from the raffle go to the Friends of the Library, which helps fund book purchases and other non-budgeted items for the library. (Odessa Record, 11.25.10)
About 30 Palouse residents took part in Turkey Leg 2010, which is the annual tradition to raise money for the Palouse City Library, a part of Whitman County Library System. In its fifth year, the money raised by the Turkey Leg tradition is used to buy children's and young adult's books and other media, such as audio books and movies. Money raised at the event also benefits two $200 scholarships given away to high school students at graduation. (Photos) (Daily News [Pullman], 11.26.10)
Book Sales
Need some reading material for those long winter evenings? You could stock up at the Friends of the Grand Coulee Library book sale December 2. On the same date, Friends of the Library will hold a "Light the Library" holiday event, beginning at 6 p.m. (The Star [Grand Coulee], 11.24.10)
Economy/Hard Times
In March of last year, Library Director Pamela Mogen moved the Liberty Lake library into a renovated warehouse that represented a 5,300-square-foot increase in overall room. The city paid around $2 million for the 37,400-square-foot facility, which would also house the municipal police department. After paying another $675,000 to refurbish the warehouse, Liberty Lake Mayor Wendy Van Roman is now recommending that the library cut its hours next year from 46 to 32. (Valley News Herald, [Spokane] 11.12.10)
[This summary of library news was created by Bobbie DeMiero and Leanna Hammond of the Washington State Library Division of the Office of the Secretary of State. It represents a selection of newspaper clippings about Washington libraries from all Washington newspapers received in the packets on the dates shown. For more information about any of these stories, contact Carolyn Petersen at 360.570.5560 or [email protected] ]