New .Jobs Domain For Job-Seekers

Screenshot of WA in Universe.Jobs
You might not think about domains very much. Maybe the .coms and .nets and .orgs of the world all run together for you, and it's what you see before the "dot" that counts. Well now there's a reason to pay a little more attention. .Jobs is a new domain with a specific purpose: to help job-seekers find employment. And since we're not out of the "hard times" economy quite yet, that's a purpose that a lot of people can get behind. Expect to see many uses of .jobs in the future, but for now, check out for an excellent browseable map of jobs (worldwide!), and if you're in Washington State, try (or change the "olympia" part to a city of your choice) to find more local job opportunities.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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