Washington Rural Heritage 2011-2012 Grant Cycle Open

Jake Crawford's harvest crew.
From the desk of Evan Robb A new grant cycle is open for Washington Rural Heritage, a statewide digitization initiative for small rural libraries and partnering organizations. To date, more than 60 cultural institutions throughout Washington have contributed to this growing digital collection of historically significant materials. Learn more about the project and see the full list of contributors here. Both public and tribal libraries are eligible to apply for this grant; priority consideration will be given to libraries that have not previously received awards associated with Washington Rural Heritage. Overall funding to support this grant cycle is $50,000, with a maximum award of $10,000 per application. It is anticipated that five or more applicants may receive awards. Application deadline: Postmarked or received by April 29, 2011. View eligibility guidelines, FAQs, and download a grant application at www.sos.wa.gov/library/libraries/grants/grants.aspx.
For more information, contact Evan Robb, Project Manager, Washington Rural Heritage, 360-704-5228, [email protected], or Anne Yarbrough, Grants Program, 360-704-5246, [email protected]. Washington Rural Heritage is supported with Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding provided by the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.

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