The day John L. O’Brien was honored

For many newcomers to the Legislature and the Capitol Campus, the John L. O’Brien Building (or JLOB, as it’s known in "acronymese") is simply the name of the building where most of the state representatives’ offices are located, as well as public hearing rooms, and House committee and caucus staffs’ offices. But old-timers well remember the man for whom the building is named. O’Brien, a Seattle Democrat, served 26 two-year terms in the House, including four terms as House speaker. He later served many years as speaker pro tempore until he left the Legislature in 1993. He served more years in the Legislature than anyone else in state history. O’Brien died at age 95 on April 22, 2007. Appropriately enough, St. Patrick’s Day is the anniversary when the House Office Building was renamed in honor of O’Brien in 1989. Our State Archives provided this photo showing a smiling O’Brien on the day when his House peers renamed the HOB after him. The JLOB is nearing the end of a long renovation project. The first floor of the building has been open for a few months so committee meetings could be held. The project is expected to be completed late this year. For more on O’Brien’s long political career, go here to this profile on him.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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