Washington State Library staff member Laura Robinson works with a volunteer indexing historic newspapers of Washington State.
Whether you regularly use a library or just occasionally visit one, you know and appreciate what libraries have to offer – books, magazines, newspapers, Internet access, reference info and tips, and much more. And of course, there are those helpful librarians ready to help you use a computer, research your family history or assist you with whatever informational quest on which you’re embarking. On Tuesday, library users and the rest of the public have a chance to see for themselves what a typical day at a library looks like, thanks to Library Snapshot Day. Hundreds of libraries across Washington are participating. This year’s theme is “A day in the life of your library.” It’s meant to show what happens in a library on a typical day. People are invited to participate by coming into their library and having their photo taken while attending events or using library services. The plan is for photos to be added to local libaries’ galleries online. Library Snapshot Day is being held on National Library Workers Day, which is April 12 this year. And what if you can’t stop by a library Tuesday but want to show your appreciation of libraries and librarians? This is the week to do it. National Library Week this year is April 10-16. Libraries all across the U. S. are celebrating the contributions of our nation’s libraries and librarians during the weeklong celebration. The Washington State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State, will participate in Library Snapshot Day, in its main branch in Tumwater; state agency branches in the Olympia area; Western and Eastern State Hospitals and correctional branches throughout the state; and the Washington Talking Book & Braille Library in Seattle. Let us know what you think of the State Library or one of its branches by adding something to its Facebook wall!