SNAPSHOT: a day in the life of the Washington State Library

Today is Washington Library Snapshot Day! Hundreds of libraries throughout Washington State are collecting photos, stories and statistics, offering a glimpse into a single day in the life of their organization. Are you a customer of the Washington State Library or one of its branches? Are you a Washington library worker who has been served by one of the State Library's programs?

Tell us what the Washington State Library means to you by sharing a comment on this blog post or on our Facebook wall! In the meantime, here's our first snapshot of the day--Digital Collections librarian Laura Robinson working with volunteer Gordon Russ. Gordon has been volunteering with the State Library for approximately 5 years, doing everything from processing vertical files to moving library materials to acid free storage. Here he is working on our historic newspaper indexing project.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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