College civics posters and flyers, oh my

After completing last week’s opening leg for his annual college civics tour, Secretary Reed holds up a flyer displayed at one of the colleges. Elections Division staffers Lindsay Pryor (left) and Cristina Labra (right), who also went on the tour, hold up two of the posters used on campuses to get the word out that the Secretary was visiting to talk about the importance of voting and being engaged in their communities. The theme for this year’s college civics tour is “Break Down Barriers.” The tour’s focus has been on diversity and inclusiveness. The civics tour will resume later this spring with stops on these dates:
  • Thursday, April 28: Bellevue College, University of Washington Bothell/Cascadia Community College, Edmonds Community College and Shoreline Community College.
  • Monday, May 9: UW Bothell/Cascadia Community College and University of Washington’s main campus in Seattle.
  • Wednesday, May 11: Clark College, Lower Columbia College, Centralia College and South Puget Sound Community College.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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