Spotlight on Success: Kiona-Benton City Heritage

Nice job on the part of Beth Kauer from the Benton City Library promoting their new digital collection at the recent Washington Library Association Conference in Yakima, April 6-8, 2011. Beth designed and staffed a "Spotlight on Success!" table at the conference featuring images and information from the Kiona-Benton City Heritage Collection, a project of the State Library's Washington Rural Heritage Initiative.

To learn more about how your rural public or tribal library can get involved with the digitization of the local history resources, contact Evan Robb, Project Manager, Washington Rural Heritage: [email protected], (360) 704-5228.

The (4/29/2011) deadline is fast-approaching for this year's Washington Rural Heritage grant applications; more information on the grant cycle is available here.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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