Washington Library News
The Columbia County Rural Library District is announcing their participation in the Washington State Library’s ‘Libraries at Light Speed’ project. The project will enable the library to receive high speed fiber optic connectivity with the potential of transmission speeds of 100 megabits per second (100 mpbs). (Dayton Chronicle, 3.23.11)
Supporters of the threatened state history museums in Tacoma, Spokane and Olympia have found money that might keep them open. But tapping the funding source requires stepping on some closely guarded turf: Plans to build a Heritage Center on the Capitol Campus. It calls for diverting the money to a new Department of Heritage, Arts and Culture which would oversee the three museums, and also have jurisdiction over the State Library. Secretary of State Sam Reed will oppose the plan to move the State Library and to raid the Heritage fund. (The Olympian [Olympia], 3.24.11) http://www.theolympian.com/2011/03/24/1590642/bill-would-save-existing-museums.html#storylink=misearch
Library News
The stakes were high during Tumwater School District’s fourth annual Battle of the Books. In addition to school pride and bragging rights, teams were competing for a traveling trophy that had been at Black Lake Elementary for two years in a row. About 50 parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers and principals filled Black Lake Elementary School’s library last Tuesday to root for their favorite Battle of the Books team. (Photo) (The Olympia [Olympia], 3.21.11) http://www.theolympian.com/2011/03/21/1587019/dont-have-to-be-a-nerd-but-it.html#storylink=misearch
Beginning in April, a new library catalog system will make it so those who visit Sno-Isle Libraries can do more to manage their account or search for items they want to borrow. With the new system, Polaris, library user can find items they’re searching for more quickly, temporarily freeze holds without losing their place in line, add their own ratings and review, keep a history of items they checked out and create reading lists. (Photo) (The Herald [Everett], 3.21.11) http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20110321/NEWS01/703219977
The Elizabeth Forrest Day Club made a donation to The Dayton Elementary School Library to assist in purchasing books that are beyond the present budget level. The librarian, Roslyn Edwards, will use the funds to replace some worn out classics and to purchase some new books that have been on her “wish-list.” (Dayton Chronicle, 3.23.11)
Colfax library has a new Coupon Binder service that can save patrons money. Located in Troll’s Corner Book Store, the binder has 36 categories divided and organized for users to find the coupon they need. Patrons are welcome to take the coupons they need and the library will also collect unwanted coupons for other patrons to use. (Whitman County Gazette [Colfax], 3.24.11)
A Dell Optiflex 745 desktop computer was stolen from the Moses Lake Community Library, a part of the North Central Regional Library System, Tuesday. The computer was stolen from the children’s section while the library was open, according to Moses Lake police. The computer and the software are a $3,500 loss for the library, which limits access for the public needing Internet access. (Columbia Basin Herald [Moses Lake], 3.24.11)
Three public libraries in Skagit County are interweaving their computer systems through a new, free piece of software. Beginning Saturday, some of the catalog and computer system features at Burlington Public Library, the Upper Skagit Library District and the La Conner Regional Library will be inaccessible as library staff transfers data from the older systems to Evergreen, an “open-sourced” integrated system. (Photo) (Skagit Valley Herald [Mount Vernon], 3.25.11)
Some Knolls Vista third graders met at the Moses Lake Public Library to apply for and obtain their own library cards. The Moses Lake Library, a branch of the North Central Regional Library System, was built in 1963 and opened in 1964. Barbara Galloway, Circulation Supervisor, who has been with the library for 26 years, was happy to meet the students on Saturday. (Photo) (Columbia Basin Herald [Moses Lake], 3.28.11) http://www.columbiabasinherald.com/community/basin_life/article_d317e214-5956-11e0-81e4-001cc4c03286.html
Patrons at the Ilwaco Timberland Library walked up to a brand new entrance last week after a team of 20 Tongue Point Job Corps horticulture students spent the day planting a number of hardy trees and bushes. “We’ve been working on this since the building’s remodel was completed two years ago,” said Ann Saari, former president of the Ilwaco Library Board. (Photo) (Chinook Observer [Long Beach], 3.30.11)
When Keirra Fortier’s great-grandmother Wilma passed away last year, she left her 17-year-old granddaughter more books than she knew what to do with. As a result of this generous inheritance, Fortier decided to share the wealth and start a library at Panorama Alternative High School, where she is a high school senior. (Photo) (Statesman-Examiner [Colville], 3.30.11)
A tentative 2011-12 operating budget adopted Monday by the Fort Vancouver Regional Library District includes plenty of new carrots for customers without a stick in sight. That includes no late fees on books. About $1.76 million of the levy dollars from a property tax increase in effect this year will go to restore all operating hours and days at branch libraries that were reduced in early 2009. Those changes will come May 1. (Columbian [Vancouver], 4.12.11) http://www.columbian.com/news/2011/apr/11/library-budget-has-no-fees-more-books/
Book lovers’ excitement over the huge, dirt-cheap inventory at the Friends of the Seattle Public Library book sale was tinged with sadness and uncertainty Saturday. Because the city can’t afford to make required improvements to the Magnuson Park airplane hangar known as Building 30, the three-day spring event will have to find a new home next April. (Photo) (Seattle Times, 4.17.11) http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2014793818_library17m.html
Library checkouts once again hit a new high last year, despite budget cuts for the Bellingham Public Library that led to fewer staff, shorter hours and a reduction of new materials such as books, CDs and DVDs. The number of items that library-goers checked out increased to a little over 1.6 million in 2010, according to an annual report that was released recently. (Bellingham Herald Online, 4.20.11) http://www.bellinghamherald.com/2011/04/20/1976254/bellingham-library-use-at-all.html
An option presented to Puyallup City Council to explore annexing the city library to the Pierce County Library System has been unanimously obliterated. Each city council member at the Tuesday, March 22 study session expounded on the nostalgia of the library and the overwhelming local support for the services it provides the community. (The Herald [Puyallup], 3.30.11) http://www.thenewstribune.com/2011/03/30/1605657/annexing-library-to-county-is.html#storylink=misearch
At their March 8, regular meeting the San Juan Island Library District Board of Trustees unanimously voted to place a request for a levy lid lift on the August primary election ballot. The Board deferred deciding on the rate amount it would seek to its April 12 meeting. Also at that meeting, the trustees will vote on the exact wording of the resolution, which must meet statutory standards. (Photo) (The Journal of the San Juan Islands [Friday Harbor], 3.30.11)
Letters & Editorials
In observing the process and doing our own research regarding the decision concerning our library in Enumclaw, we commend the council for the wisdom and courage to investigate further. Our Library is a real jewel for which we are very grateful. People certainly need to notice that going with King County is not going to be free. (Enumclaw Courier-Herald, 3.23.11) http://www.pnwlocalnews.com/south_king/ech/opinion/letters/118540559.html
The two articles on the front page of the March 18, Renton Reporter were diametrically opposed. In one Mayor Law speaks to the current recession as the worst ever. And in the next he and others excitedly say there is a great need to replace a perfectly serviceable landmark library costing millions. What’s wrong with these two articles? (Renton Reporter [Kent], 3.25.11) http://www.pnwlocalnews.com/south_king/ren/opinion/letters/118592409.html
Where to locate the new library? In the Landing, of course. We only need ONE location; it has bus service and great parking. The King County Library System (KCLS) serves 19 million. I know because I’ve been waiting for a book for three months. When Renton was our only library the most I ever waited was two weeks because it served 90,000 ‘residents.’ Where is common sense in this mess? (Renton Reporter [Kent], 3.25.11) http://www.pnwlocalnews.com/south_king/ren/opinion/letters/118592424.html
As you may know there is a plan by the King County Library System to close the two libraries above and replace them with a larger library located somewhere in between both. I hope you will start a campaign or write in support of keeping the two community libraries where they are. (West Seattle Herald/White Center News [Seattle], 3.25.11)
We all like government when it provides an effective service at a reasonable cost. I usually criticize government in this forum, but I thought an attaboy in this economic market is deserved for the Kelso Library. Its new location in the Three Rivers Mall is clean, friendly and welcoming. (Daily News [Longview], 3.28.11) http://tdn.com/news/opinion/article_15f14c2c-58cd-11e0-9dcf-001cc4c03286.html
Although the Mukilteo School District cut nearly $10 million from its budget in the last two years, further reductions are necessary due to the state budget crisis. Among teaching positions being considered for elimination are teacher-librarians. This would be a serious mistake. Losing teacher-librarians will seriously damage the communities of academic excellence that the district has tried to create. (The Mukilteo Beacon, 3.30.11) http://www.mukilteobeacon.com/letters/article.exm/2011-03-30_letters_for_week_of_march_30
Exciting things are taking place at the library here in Anacortes High School. Possibly the most memorable, however, is the new librarian, Mrs. Dana John. In the short year since her arrival, she has tried her best to make the library as fun a place as possible. Always having preferred to find work in the community in which she lives, John was thrilled when she managed to find her dream job as the librarian in Anacortes. (Anacortes American, 3.30.11)
Bev Pearce is the new manager of the Palouse Branch of the Whitman County Library. The proprietor of Small Towne Quilts, which she recently relocated to her home, Pearce is a girl scout leader and a member of the Palouse Chamber of Commerce. She replaces manager Holly White who will remain as a substitute. (Whitman County Gazette [Colfax], 3.31.11)
Programs and Displays
The Edmonds Art Commission is pleased to present an exhibit of paintings by Olympia artist, Ron Hinson. His exhibit at the Edmonds Library, a part of Sno-Isle Libraries, runs now through April 29, Ron Hinson has created a series of painting that are interpretations of episodes in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. (Photo) (The Edmonds Beacon [Mukilteo], 3.24.11) http://www.edmondsbeacon.com/stepping-out/article.exm/2011-03-24_library_features_work_by_ron_hinson
Port Angeles High School librarian and self-proclaimed “babbling bibliophile” Eve Datisman will present “How We Beat the Winter Blues” at 5:30 p.m. Thursday. The event will be held at the Port Angeles Library. This program is the concluding event of the 2011 Winter Reading Program for adults. More than 80 people signed up, and many have already completed the program. (Peninsula Daily News [Port Angeles], 3.27.11)
The library is seeking a group of volunteers to help build a literacy garden, which would include a natural space for children to explore nature via outdoor reading areas, a place for story times and guided walks that encourage children to read and learn about their environment. The King County Library System is applying for a grant for the garden at the Mercer Island library. (Mercer Island Reporter, 3.30.11) http://www.pnwlocalnews.com/east_king/mir/community/118589579.html
In zen-like fashion, melodic Asian music filled a room of the Yelm Timberland Library. The calming background noise was an introduction to Tai Chi, a martial art form used for self defense, health benefits and relaxation. As part of the library’s month long emphasis on health, Rick Stillwagon, who has 30 years of experience, taught a Tai Chi class to about 10 people last Thursday. (Photos) (Nisqually Valley News [Yelm], 4.1.11)
The local talent was nearly overwhelming during the first ever Teen Open Mic night at the Yelm Timberland Library. More than a dozen teenagers demonstrated some kind of ability and about 50 people attended on Thursday, March 24. Mics opened up at 4:30pm and were supposed to turn off by 6 p.m., but due to the positive response and kids wanting more time, the event ran an extra two hours. (Photos) (Nisqually Valley News [Yelm], 4.1.11)
The Timberland Regional Library system has begun offering a variety of foreign language courses free of charge to library patrons, accessible on the Internet. The library system added two language learning programs, Mango and Rocket, to its list of public resources recently. Lessons through each piece of software are self-paced, interactive and visually appealing. (The Chronicle [Centralia], 4.2.11)
[This summary of library news was created by Bobbie DeMiero and Leanna Hammond of the Washington State Library Division of the Office of the Secretary of State. It represents a selection of newspaper clippings about Washington libraries from all Washington newspapers received in the packets on the dates shown. For more information about any of these stories, contact Carolyn Petersen at 360.570.5560 or [email protected] ]