Candidate filing by mail starts May 20

If you plan to be a candidate for office this year and just can’t wait until June 6 to file, you can get a head start by filing via mail, starting this Friday. Mail-in candidate declarations are accepted from May 20 through Friday, June 10. Although mail-in candidate declaration forms are accepted during this period, no declarations will be processed until June 6, the first official day of candidate filing. Candidates wishing to use the mail-in filing option may pick up a candidate registration form at their county elections office. This year will see many local races on the ballot, plus two special legislative contests:
  • The 4th District (Spokane Valley) Senate seat currently held by Republican appointee Jeff Baxter, who replaced longtime Senator Bob McCaslin when McCaslin retired in early January, days before the start of this year’s legislative session. McCaslin died a few weeks after retiring from office.
  • The 49th District (Vancouver) House seat occupied by Democratic appointee Sharon Wylie, who was chosen to replace Rep. Jim Jacks, who suddenly resigned in the middle of session.
Here is a list of the legislative and judicial offices up for election this year, along with their filing fee. Note that candidates for these offices or local offices are to file with their county elections office. The traditional filing week for candidates is June 6-10. That week candidates can file in person, online, or by the good old mail. For more info on candidate filing, go here . We’ll provide more details on candidate filing week as it gets closer on the calendar. This year’s Primary Election is August 16, with the General Election on November 8.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

Image of Secretary of State Steve Hobbs

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