Congrats to Republic Library, winners of the Teen Video Challenge!

The Teen Library Advisory

Board (T-LAB) of Republic Library in Republic, WA has garnered top honors for their entry in Collaborative Summer Library Program's (CSLP) Teen Video Challenge. Guided by the theme 'You Are Here,' the group created a two minute video that is now the official commercial for Washington's Summer Reading Program. "Everyone (who participated) had video programs and applications that they knew about," said Gailene Hooper, supervising librarian at Republic Library, said. "But almost everyone learned something new, especially me. This has been a great experience for the teens in our town, and we have really enjoyed participating."
The video was shot with a digital camcorder purchased with grant funds from the Kinross Gold Corporation. As winners, T-Lab received $250, and $100 will be given to the Republic Library, courtesy of CSLP. T-Lab includes Anna Heinen, Cody Scriver, Raine Knowles, Lillian Rice, Mathew Wade, Dan Kiesecker, Heather Meyer, and Kristen Ricard. Check out the video here: and see other state winners here:

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