Study statewide ballot measures online!

With this November’s General Election less than two months away, we’re starting to see TV ads for some of the initiatives that will be on the statewide ballot. If you want to study up on the five statewide measures that will be on your ballot and you just can’t wait until your Voters’ Pamphlet arrives in the mail next month, you’re in luck. The five measures are:
• Initiative 1125, which deals with transportation funding and tolls; • I-1163, which concerns long-term care workers and services for the elderly and disabled; • I-1183, which privatizes liquor sales; • Senate Joint Resolution 8205, which concerns the length of time a voter must reside in Washington to vote for president ; and • SJR 8206, which deals with the state’s budget stabilization account.
You can read about the five measures online here. The info includes the ballot title, fiscal impact statement (the SJRs aren’t required to have these), explanatory statement and statements for and against each proposal. All of this info is found in our Elections Division’s 2011 General Election Online Voters’ Guide. Go here to learn more about our Elections Division and voting in Washington.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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