
Student Voter registration challenge 2018

To encourage as many young adults as possible to make their voices heard in the 2018 General Election, Secretary of State Kim Wyman and Gov. Jay Inslee have launched a special Student Voter Registration Challenge to sign up Washington's college students as new voters. [embed][/embed] As Gov. Inslee's office describes here, the Student Voter Registration Challenge is a competition open to students at all 40 of Washington's public universities, community colleges, and technical colleges. Student teams must register by Aug. 1 to be eligible for the competition, which will be divided into categories for community/technical colleges and four-year universities. The winning teams will be announced Nov. 30, and will be recognized on social media and invited to Olympia for lunch at the Governor's Mansion. For details and instructions on how to sign up, see the Governor's official contest description here. Instructions on registering to vote can be found at the Office of Secretary of State website here. The online registration deadline is Oct. 8 to be eligible for the Nov. 8 election, and in-person registration can be done up to Oct. 29.

Secretary of State
Steve Hobbs

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