Productivity Board Awards

The 2024 relaunch of the Productivity Board has yielded successes for state employees, their agencies, and the people of Washington. In the past year, more than 100 suggestions were received, over $275,000 was saved, and in excess of $30,000 has been awarded.


Hollyann Dahlberg, Cami Feek and Daniel Zeitlin of ESD and Steve Hobbs

We are excited to celebrate the Productivity Board’s first cash award recipient, Hollyann Dahlberg. Hollyann works for the Employment Security Department (ESD) and was awarded $10,000. She suggested that ESD utilize pre-translated letters instead of a translation service, which sped up customer service and is anticipated to save over $225,000 a year.

Pictured far left is ESD Commissioner Cami Feek, and far right is Dustin Ritchie, ESD Leave & Care Logistics Manager.

Liquor and Cannabis Board and Office of Administrative Hearings TIP Award

The Liquor and Cannabis Board’s Kyle Arvila, Tinaya Smith, Richard O’Grady, Gerard Scheeler, with the Office of Administrative Hearings Beatrice Lupardus, composed the "Pathfinders" team. Their Teamwork Incentive Program suggestion consolidated data in a searchable document management system. This solution improves digital record keeping, makes information more accessible between agencies, and eliminates costs. The suggestion saved more than $44,000 in its first year, with more long-term savings expected. Each of the five team members received a cash award of $1,771.70. 

Pictured far left is Liquor and Cannabis Board Director Will Lukela, and far right is RaShelle Davis, OAH Chief Administrative Law Judge.

Todd Steben and Lenee Otto from WA Lottery

A Teamwork Incentive Program project at Washington’s Lottery Commission  improved earnings on their municipal investment account. Their efforts resulted in an increase in interest earnings of 311%, which resulted in an additional $726,900 of interest income for the initial eight months of implementation. The four team members will each receive cash awards of $2,725.88, and the changes they made will have ongoing impacts. 

Pictured are team members Todd Steben and Lenee Otto with recognition certificates from Secretary of State Steve Hobbs.


Nathan Wilson with Department of Corrections Health Services Division Assistant Secretary Dave Flynn

Nathan Wilson, a psychology associate with the Department of Corrections, received a recognition award of $200 for developing diagnostic support tools in JavaScript and Phrase Express to expedite the mental health assessment process. 

Pictured are Nathan Wilson, left, with Department of Corrections Health Services Division Assistant Secretary Dave Flynn.