
State funding now available to help local governments and agencies improve their records management and retention

OLYMPIA — Up to $1 million in state funding is now available to local governments through the Local Records Grant Program.

Administered by Washington State Archives, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State, the Local Records Grant Program helps local-government agencies and entities upgrade the technological resources needed to improve their records management and retention, as well as processes for responding to public-records requests.

Funding available to local governments statewide through the Local Records Grant Program

OLYMPIA — Nearly $650,000 in state funding is now available to local governments statewide through the Local Records Grant Program.

Administered by Washington State Archives, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State, the Local Records Grant Program helps local-government agencies and entities upgrade the technological resources needed to improve their records retention, management, and public records request response processes.

Statement on federal decision to reverse plan to sell Seattle National Archives facility

OLYMPIA — In response to the White House Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) decision to withdraw its approval of the sale of National Archives and Records Administration’s (NARA) Seattle facility, Secretary of State Kim Wyman issued the following statement.

“OMB took a crucial step today in withdrawing approval for the sale of the National Archives in Seattle.