Eligibility Information
Who is Eligible for service?
WTBBL services are available to all Washington state residents who are unable to read standard print due to one or more of the following conditions:
- Legal blindness
- Visual impairment
- Physical disability causing an inability to turn pages or comfortably hold a book for extended periods of time
- DeafBlindness
- Reading disability
Facilities such as schools, hospitals, and nursing homes, which regularly serve clients meeting the eligibility requirements, may also apply for service.
Outside Washington, talking book and braille services are provided by other NLS network libraries.
Applications for Service
*If you have previously received service from WTBBL or another NLS library within the past five years, you may not need to complete a new application. Please call or email the library to reinstate your service: 206-615-0400 or 800-542-0866, [email protected].
To apply for service, complete one of the following applications depending on whether you are an individual patron or an institution that works with eligible populations (school, non-profit organizations, libraries, assisted living communities, hospitals). You can print it out and mail it to us, or complete the fillable PDF document, save it, and email it to us at [email protected].
Application for Individuals
Aplicación en Español
- Parental Acknowledgment Form (Additional form required for applicants who are minors [under 18 years old]).
- Parental Acknowledgment Form (Español)
- Institutional Acknowledgment Form (Additional form required for institutions serving users who are minors [under 18 years old]).
All services, including the mailing of books and equipment, are provided at no charge to WTBBL patrons (individuals and institutions). A combination of federal and state funding provide for library materials and operational support.