Local Book Production

Two women looking at paperwork

Audio and braille books by Pacific Northwest authors, about the Pacific Northwest and other patron requests are produced at WTBBL. These books are made available through work of WTBBL staff and volunteers.  To recommend a book for production, please first review the Collection Development Policy  or contact WTBBL with your questions at [email protected].

Youth Services

A woman and a girl smiling

Books and materials in all formats are available for children of all ages, from toddlers to teens, for home and school. We offer a by-mail summer reading program, programs and events for children and their families, and an accessible children's room with toys, books, and places to read and play. For more information about Youth Services please visit WTBBL's Youth Services Page.

Training and Instruction

Two women working at a computer

The Washington Talking Book & Braille Library features the Jan Walsh Patron Computer Lab, which is open to patrons during business hours (M-F 8:30 AM-5:00 PM). Patrons of the library can call to set up a time to use the computer lab or schedule a training session.

Recommended Reads

Recommend reads logo

Washington Talking Book & Braille Library's monthly series of books that can be found in our collection for our adult and young patrons. Check back each month to read the newest themed list of books.

Recommended Reads for Adults
Recommended Reads for Youth

Reference Services

Image saying info eyes click to ask a librarian

WTBBL offers reference service on issues of blindness, physical disabilities and issues of general interest by calling the library at 206-615-0400.

Reference services are also available by using InfoEyes (http://www.infoeyes.org/), an online virtual reference and information service for the visually impaired. This service can be used 24-hours a day and a response will be given during business hours.