Way to go Heath! Our executive intern has come up with how long it takes to read the R-71 petition sheet: 2 hours, 24 minutes and 47 seconds.
10:00: Heath begins reading, on the dot.
10:05: He hits a list of solid numbers. “I keep getting lost.”
10:12: “I started using the magnifying glass, but put it down because my arm got tired,” Heath says.
10:18: Heath’s face is about 5 inches away from the paper.
10:20: Done with the first sheet! How’s it feel? “Not great because I realized how long the rest of it was going to take me.”
10:33: Heath reports his leg starts bouncing uncontrollably.
10:35: “I realized I hadn’t blinked in a really long time. And when I did, I completely lost my place.”
10:47: “I may or may not have fallen asleep. I just realized that because my head hit the table.”
11:07: Happy halfway!
11:07-12:24: Heath can’t remember what happened during this point...
12:24: Finished!



