Everyone keeps assuming that no one will bother to take the time to read the 114-pages-of-legislation-jammed-onto-a-mapsized-sheet petition that is R-71 before offering up (or declining to give) their signature. But what if someone actually did want to read it? How long would it even take? Meet Heath. He is the OSOS executive intern and a seriously good sport:
An aspiring lawyer, Heath describes himself as a "medium-to-fast" reader. Heath will begin reading the entire R-71 petition form as it appears to the public in paper form at 10:05 a.m. on the dot and a neutral third-party will time how long it takes him to read it. I will report the results when he is finished. Feel free to take your best guess at how long it will take. [poll id="3"] Go Heath, Go! UPDATE: The results are in!