RIM Associations and Organizations

This list of associations and organizations is provided as an informational resource for those working in the records and information management fields in Washington State.

Disclaimer: Inclusion on this list does not necessarily imply approval or endorsement by Washington State Archives.

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ACCIS - Association of County and City Information Systems
ACCIS is an organization composed of the Chief Information Systems Officers of Counties and Cities from within the State of Washington. ACCIS also welcomes State Agencies, Districts, Commissions, and Ports as affiliate members. Website: https://www.accis-wa.org/
Website: https://www.aiim.org/
ARMA International - Greater Seattle Chapter
Website: http://www.armaseattle.org/
ARMA International - Puget Sound Chapter
Website: http://www.pugetsoundarma.org/
BPE - Best Practices Exchange
Website: https://bpexchange.wordpress.com/
ICRM - Institute of Certified Records Managers
Website: https://www.icrm.org/
LEIRA - Law Enforcement Information and Records Association
Website: https://www.leirawa.org/
MRSC - Municipal Research and Services Center
Website: http://mrsc.org/Home.aspx
NAGARA - National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators
Website: https://www.nagara.org/
NWA - Northwest Archivists
Website: https://northwestarchivistsinc.wildapricot.org/
SAA - Society of American Archivists
Website: http://www.archivists.org/
WAPRO - Washington Association of Public Records Officers
Website: https://wa-pro.org/
WARIM - Washington Records and Information Managers (formerly State Records Officers Forum)
Website: https://www.sos.wa.gov/archives/recordsmanagement/warim.aspx
WASBO RM - Washington Association of School Business Officials - Records Management Networking Group
Website: https://www.wasbo.org/page/Copyof59
WMCA - Washington Municipal Clerks Association
Website: http://www.wmcaclerks.org/

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