RIM Certifications

This list of certifications is provided as an informational resource for those working in the records and information management fields in Washington State.

Disclaimer: Inclusion on this list does not necessarily imply approval or endorsement by Washington State Archives.

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CA - Certified Archivist (ACA)
Offered by the Academy of Certified Archivists (ACA)

For further information: https://www.certifiedarchivists.org/get-certified/
CIP - Certified Information Professional (AIIM)
Offered by AIIM

For further information: https://www.aiim.org/certification
CMC - Certified Municipal Clerk (IIMC)
Offered by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC)

For further information: https://www.iimc.com/126/Certified-Municipal-Clerk-CMC-Program
CPRO - Certified Public Records Officer (WAPRO)
Offered by the Washington Association of Public Records Officers (WAPRO)

For further information: https://wa-pro.org/pro-certification/
CRA - Certified Records Analyst (ICRM)
Offered by the Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM)

For further information: https://www.icrm.org/
CRM - Certified Records Manager (ICRM)
Offered by the Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM)

For further information: https://www.icrm.org/
GARA - Government Archives and Records Administration Certificate (NAGARA)
Offered by the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators (NAGARA)

For further information: https://www.nagara.org/Public/Resources/GARA_Certificate_Program/NAGARA-Custom/GARA_Certificate_Program.aspx
IGP - Information Governance Professional (ARMA International)
Offered by ARMA International

For further information: https://www.arma.org/page/Certifications
MMC - Master Municipal Clerk (IIMC)
Offered by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC)

For further information: https://www.iimc.com/128/Master-Municipal-Clerk-MMC-Program

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