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NOTE: This page was moved to the History section on February 8, 2000. Some original informtion and instructions were deleted at that time.
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Bell & Howell National Newspapers Bell & Howell product description EBSCO Newspaper Source |
Electric Library from Infonautics Electric Library product description NewsBank |
Bell & Howell ProQuest Medical Library Medical Library product description EBSCO Health Source Plus Health Source Plus product description Gale Health Reference Center
OVID Ovid Databases product description Softline
Washington State libraries of all types are developing a cooperative approach to licensing commercial on-line databases. The Washington State Library serves as a clearinghouse for information and participation, and efforts are guided by a Steering Committee that represents the state's whole library community. Over 2,000 libraries offer their users the statewide full-text periodical and newspaper package that was licensed for the period October 1998 - December 2000. About half the cost of this package was subsidized with federal Library Services and Technology Act money, with remaining funds coming from local budgets.
Additionally, dozens of libraries have used local funds to participate in smaller group purchases for over a dozen additional databases.
Created: September 2, 1999 / Modified: 9/3/1999; 9/7/1999; 9/8/99;
9/15/99; 9/23/99 / 10/7/99 / 2/8/2000, discussion and "go to" links deleted,
description information moved to sdl history sub-directory